
Konference 3D GeoInfo 2021 se letos zaměří také na 3D v katastru


Ve dnech 11. až 14. října 2021 se virtuální formou uskuteční šestnáctý ročník konference 3D GeoInfo. Letos se akce uskuteční společně s konferencí 3D Cadastres.

Témata 3D GeoInfo uvádíme v angličtině, protože letos konferenci organizuje realizační tým z New Yorku.

Personální inzerce na webu Zeměměřiče

3D GeoInfo addresses advancements in (but not limited to) the following areas:

  • 3D data creation and acquisition
  • 3D data processing and analysis
  • 3D data management – data quality, metadata, provenance and trust
  • Data integration, information fusion, multi-modal data analysis
  • 3D visualization, including gamification, virtual reality, augmented reality
  • 3D and Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning
  • 3D and Big Data, parallel computing, cloud computing
  • 3D city modeling, underground infrastructure modeling, topography, and bathymetry modeling
  • Building Information Modeling, Digital Twins, Smart Cities, Smart Infrastructure
  • Usability and Human-Computer interaction in 3D GIS
  • 3D GIS, spatial analysis and other applications (such as 3D cadastral systems, land administration, utilities, asset management, infrastructure, navigation, urban planning, geology, archaeology, marine systems, simulations, autonomous vehicles, facilities management, energy modeling, disaster and risk management, pandemic monitoring)


Debra Laefer (Chair), New York University
Anh Vu Vo (Co-chair), University College Dublin
Sarina Adeli, State University of New York
Andrea Albright, University of Houston
Erzhuo Che, Oregon State University
Siyuan Chen, University College Dublin
Zihan Chen, Université Laval
Gerard Dooly, University of Limerick
Saeid Emamgholian, Université Laval
Nora Gyetvai, Autodesk
Fengman Jia, University of Calgary
Eftychia Kalogianni, Delft University of Technology
Kourosh Khoshelham, University of Melbourne
Shirin Malihi, Technische Universität Braunschweig
Sean Morrish, Esri
Evan O’Keeffe, New York University
Hanis Rashidan, University of Technology Malaysia
Gene Roe, LiDAR News
Michael Stanley, New York University
Zhe Sun, Carnegie Mellon University
Linh Truong-Hong, Delft University of Technology
Zahiri (Mina) Zohreh, University of Antwerp

Vědecká rada konference

Peter van Oosterom, Delft University of Technology
Jacynthe Pouliot, Universite Laval
Leon olde Scholtenhuis, University of Twente
Rudi Stouffs, National University of Singapore
Apostolos Arvanitis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Andreas Georgopoulos, NTU of Athens
Ivin Amri Musliman, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Lars Harrie, Lund University
Sagi Dalyot, Israel Institute of Technology
Hugo Ledoux, Delft University of Technology
Lars Bodum, Aalborg University
Martin Breunig, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie
Mike Horhammer, Oracle
Franceso Nex, University of Twente
Mila Koeva, University of Twente
Edward Verbree, Delft University of Technology
Efi Dimopoulou, National Technical University of Athens
Ihab Hijazi, Technische Universität München & An-Najah National University
Claire Ellul, University College London
Claudio Persello, University of Twente
Umit Isikdag, Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University
Youness Dehbi, University of Bonn
Siva Ravada, Oracle
Claudine Metral, University of Geneva
José-Paulo de Almeida, Universidade de Coimbra
Jantien Stoter, Delft University of Technology
Behnam Atazadeh, University of Melbourne
Kean Huat Soon, Singapore Land Authority
Sander Oude Elberink, University of Twente
Ismail Rakip Karas, Karabuk University
Martin Kada, Technische Universität Berlin
Filip Biljecki, National University of Singapore
Lucía Díaz Vilariño, Universidade de Vigo
Baris Kazar, Oracle
Mohsen Kalantari, Melbourne School of Engineering
Alias Abdul Rahman, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Thomas H. Kolbe, Technische Universität München
Sisi Zlatanova, University of New South Wales

Kde se přihlásit na konferenci 3D GeoInfo a 3D Cadastres

Na konferenci se můžete registrovat na webu https://3dgeoinfo2021.github.io/

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