Geodézie GIS GNSS

Vyhrajte 1000 euro v soutěži CLGE pro studenty a mladé vědce


Council of European Geodetic Surveyors (CLGE) ve spolupráci s European GNSS Agency pořádá každoročně již od roku 2012 studentskou soutěž. Letošní ročník má uzávěrku 29. července ve 23:00 hod – do té doby však můžete poslat svoji práci. Text však nemusí být úplně nový, může být například odvozený z vaší práce v letech 2015 – 2019.

Vzhledem k tomu, že se akce nejspíš bude účastnit relativně málo soutěžících, tak máte poměrně velkou šanci vyhrát.

Personální inzerce na webu Zeměměřiče

Výhrou v každé kategorii je částka 1000 euro. Vítěz také dostane proplacenu cestu na veletrh Intergeo 2019 ve Stuttgartu v polovině září.

Soutěžní kategorie

Letos se soutěží v pěti kategoriích:

  • Geodesy, Topography
  • Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus (or a combination of two or the three subjects)
  • GIS, Mapping
  • Cadastre and Property Surveying
  • Students and youngsters engagement – tato kategorie je otevřená pro mladé geodety (které mezinárodní organizace FIG definuje následovně „35 years or younger or registered as surveyor since less than 10 years“.

Do soutěže se mohou hlásit také týmy, ale v takovém případě je cena rozdělena mezi členy týmu.

Z pozvánky do soutěže ještě citujeme:

„The second category encourages research in the field of practical applications of the European efforts in Galileo, EGNOS and Copernicus. The work can focus on one of these topics or a combination of two or even the three topics.

For the time being this academic part of the contest, i.e. these four first categories, is restricted to bachelor and master students. PhD students are not allowed. CLGE is still considering to open a new category for this kind of participants. However, PhD students are of course allowed to take part with their bachelor or master thesis if it matches the other requirements hereafter.

The papers may of course be an abridged version of vaster personal and original work, referring to the full version for further details. This work should have been conducted in between 2015 – 2019.“


Pro inspiraci se můžete podívat, jaké práce vyhrály v předchozím ročníku soutěže.


Geodesy – topography

GIS & Mapping

Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus

Porotu také zaujali

Geodesy – topography

GIS & Mapping

Galileo, EGNOS, Copernicus

Pátá kategorie

The fifth category is meant for personal and original work in the field of students’ engagement or youngsters’ attraction for the surveying profession (2015 – 2019). Proposals can be submitted by Students or Young Surveyors holding a Bachelor or Master degree (definition see above). We suggest some projects in the field of or the Dynamic Professional Knowledge Base (DPKB, for information please contact But these are only suggestions and candidates are free to come forward with what they want. Proposals have to include a paper describing a project dealing with the following issues:

– How could CLGE motivate young surveyors to be more active and/or more engaged in the association (national and/or international levels);
– How could CLGE act to give an increased added value to its members, especially young members or potential members of the national associations;
– What could CLGE do to motivate youngsters to choose the studies of Surveying and to enter the surveying profession (in countries suffering of a lack of young surveyors).

The paper should describe the full project, including the financial and logistical or other practical aspects.

If the project is judged feasible and desirable by CLGE and was not realized yet, the author(s) could be asked to implement it and to report to the CLGE Executive Board and or General Assembly (GA) about the progress. The GA could vote a budget to implement the plan. However, if the needed amount of money is higher than 5000 euro, the paper should propose ways to raise the
needed funding. Students or Young Surveyors considering to submit a paper in this category may contact CLGE President, Maurice Barbieri, for a confidential discussion about their
project before starting with their paper (

Spolupráce s partnery a sponzory

This event is sponsored by CLGE’s Interest Group of Publicly Appointed and Regulated Surveyors (IG-PARLS) and the GSA. Additional partners will be mentioned as soon as possible.
The Evaluation Process – Awards A jury chaired by Mairolt Kakko, CLGE Vice President, is composed by delegates from CLGE, representing the professional, academic and associative sectors. Our
partners in this project also have each one voice in the vetting committee. For the sake of independence, it is important to note that IT IS NOT mandatory to use soft- or hardware from sponsoring companies. However, for the second category, a relation to Galileo, EGNOS and / or Copernicus is of course required.

Each winner or winning team will receive a CLGE award worth 1000 euro as well as a CLGE certificate. On demand, the other participants can get a participation certificate too.
The vetting committee is entitled to give no award at all in one or more categories, if the quality of the papers is not sufficient. If suitable, the winner of the prize in the fifth category will be invited to take part in a CLGE GA, to present the project and perhaps to implement it. The Awarding Ceremony is planned to take place during INTERGEO in Stuttgart on 18 September 2019 in the afternoon, followed by booth parties. Participants should reserve this date in case of! Winners (one delegate per winning team) get their travel expenses and a one night stay reimbursed.


The full paper should not exceed 4000 words, including an abstract of 300 words. The language must be English. The paper should describe the students’ / young surveyors’ work, findings and conclusions. When submitted to the CLGE students’ contest, we will have the right to publish the paper on CLGE’s website and in magazines.
The papers have to be submitted before 29 July 2019, 23.00 CET to the following address: [please carbon copy: and]

Candidates will receive an acknowledgment of receipt. If this is not a case after 10 working days, they have to send the paper again or contact +32/475/45.39.90. If they did not get a receipt, it’s probable that the paper was lost and that it will not be taken into consideration, thus please do insist.


For any questions, please contact: and

/ úvodní foto archiv CLGE, ročník soutěže 2016


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